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Genealogy & History Research

Dorothea & Henry H. local history center

Contact or 724-222-2400 for more information or to set up a time to use the Center.
  • Local records include(please be aware there are gaps in materials, call for specific dates if needed):
  • The Washington Reporter (August 1808--April 1967
  • The Washington Observer (January 1872--December 1969)
  • The Observer-Reporter (January 1970--February 2018)
  • The Claysville Recorder (1894-1973)
  • The McDonald Record Outlook (1892-1983)
  • Citizens Library Catalog
  • POLK and WASHINGTON City Directories(1899-present, some years missing)
  • Pedigree Charts
  • Surname files
  • Indexed county histories and biographies;
  • Some family histories are available through InterLibrary Loan (through your local library); microfilm holdings are not available through loans but may be displayed on a computer in house and the files saved to a personal flash drive or emailed.
  • Library Edition is also available in house only.

Online Genealogy Resources

At Home - Online and other resources to start or continue your search

Washington County Historical Society - Historical and genealogical information.

MyHeritage - Includes billions of historical documents from 48 countries, millions of photos, public records, indexes and additional resources that span 5 centuries.

FamilySearch - Free family history, family tree, and genealogy records and resources from around the world.

Find a Grave - Free website that allows the public to search and add to an online database of cemetery records.

Genealogy & History in Washington County PA - Online books and links to resources.

Cornerstone Genealogy Society - The Cornerstone Genealogical Society is a non-profit unincorporated organization dedicated to preserving the genealogical history of Greene County, Pennsylvania.

Genealogy Society of Southwestern PA The society was formed so members might assist one another in discovering and preserving information about their families. A non-profit, educational organization, it is primarily concerned with the genealogical records of Southwestern Pennsylvania.

PA Photos and Docs -PA PowerLibrary provides thousands of digitized documents and photographs from unique collections in libraries across Pennsylvania.

PA GenWeb Project - Part of the U.S. GenWeb Project.

PA State Archives - This system is designed to facilitate citizen access to archival records created by all branches and levels of PA State Government.

Historic Pittsburgh - Historic Pittsburgh is a comprehensive collection of local resources that supports personal and scholarly research of the western PA area.

Ellis Island - Search ships' manifests.

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - "A categorized & cross-referenced index to genealogical resources on the Internet."

history Search Requests

  • Staff will search newspaper records for obituaries and for specific news articles.
  • Click the below link to fill out the form; we reserve the right to deny any search request if not enough information is presented.
  • Searches are $10 per request and prepaid. Payment can be by check or credit over the phone.
  • If you have a detailed genealogy request, such as family history, tax records, etc., contact the Washington County Historical Society:

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